finishing and decorating a kid-friendly home
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finishing and decorating a kid-friendly home

How do you finish the interior of the home in which small children live without having to worry about what they are doing every second of the day? Can you finish the floors and the walls with materials that will withstand the abuse they will put it through and decorate in a way that will not put the kids in danger? Our blog is all about finishing and decorating a home that is kid-friendly. You will learn the best materials to use, the best types of paint, the easiest colors to work with and ideas to help you decorate without as much concern.


finishing and decorating a kid-friendly home

4 Tips To Help You Pick The Perfect Granite Countertops

Sally Horton

As a homeowner, you know that your kitchen is probably the center of it all. It provides entertainment space, you spend many hours here cooking, and it makes a huge difference in the value and aesthetic of your home. For this reason, you want to be sure that every part of the design works for you and your home. Perhaps the most important part of the design is the countertops. The granite here works great because it is durable, long lasting, and beautiful. Here are four tips to help you pick the perfect granite countertops:

  1. Ask Questions: Before actually going to look at granite countertops, you want to prepare a list of questions to ask the professionals. This way, you can easily narrow down your granite countertop choices to a select few that are going to work for you. You want to ask questions, such as what their most popular options are, what the more affordable options are, and which has a unique design out of all of them. 
  2. Bring a Cabinet Door: The cabinets and the countertops complement each other, so you want to be sure that you bring along one of your cabinet doors in order to see how the colors work together. This way, you aren't choosing a color or style of granite that is going to clash in the kitchen. This is also why it's important to choose the cabinets first so that you can compare them against the granite since there are so many more options when it comes to granite color and design. 
  3. Choose the Right Corners: You definitely want to consider how the corners of the countertops are going to be cut. For example, many young families choose round corners so that young kids cannot easily get hurt when they bump their head on the corner. 
  4. Consider the Warranty: Finally, you want to be sure that you consider the warranty, which is basically going to help you choose between the right countertop companies in your area. You want a warranty that will cover the granite for at least 15 years and possibly even include a free sealant sometime in the future since resealing the countertops is important to prevent scratching. 

When you consider these four tips, you can choose the right granite countertops for your kitchen. This way, you are happiest with one of the main focal points of your kitchen for many years to come. 
